About AMZ Get Published

We are a small group of people who love books and want to help authors succeed. We focus on book publishing, book marketing, and building author brands that make authors money and help them gain authority in their fields.

Our easy-to-follow guides have already assisted thousands of people in becoming better authors.

Our content usually consists of detailed step-by-step instructions. Despite being a small team, we work hard to keep all our guides, tutorials, reviews, and comparisons current and up-to-date.

About AMZ Get Published

“AMZ Get Published is incredibly helpful! It’s the best thing I’ve come across online. I just want to say a big thank you.” – Jacob H.

Our Mission

AMZGetPublished.com is a free online resource for authors where they can learn all about book publishing and marketing.

Our goal is to assist both new and experienced authors in writing fantastic books, getting them published, and promoting them effectively. We want to show you the best tools, strategies, and platforms to create a strong author brand.

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Running AMZGetPublished.com requires significant time, money, and effort. To support our site and ensure its accuracy, we may earn commissions from some of the products/services we mention.

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We want to assure you that we will never promote a product or service through an affiliate link unless we have fully used and benefited from it ourselves. We strive to maintain this level of integrity throughout our journey with AMZ Get Published. While we believe these products and services are trustworthy and valuable, we encourage you to read additional online reviews to form an unbiased opinion.

Given the extensive content on our website, it is impractical to list every affiliate link used. Therefore, for the sake of simplicity, assume that any link leading to a product or service is an affiliate link, and we will receive a commission from your purchase, without any additional cost to you. We also try to get special discounts and deals for our readers on our affiliate links.